
In college we had a course where we learned Fortran.

We also had an IBM 360/40 that was in an old building and they had cut holes in the floor to run the cables down to the basement or crawl space (I have no idea cause I never got inside the room.)

All I did was take my deck of cards, put it in the tray, and get back the cards and print out.

Flunked out, 1 credit point short of a D and they would not pass me. It was the Vietnam time and if I lost my college deferment the Army would get me. The school offered the 5 year plan, take upper class humanities courses along with retaking classes you did poorly in. They also gave me a scholarship, why would you do that for a failure, and offered me a federal work study job. The government paid a bunch of the salary the school the rest. I got offered bussing tables in the cafeteria or helping run the computer. I picked the computer.