This is not really about the hardware, it is my remembrance of my impression of the hardware. If you want to know the maximum data block you can put on a track of a 2311, this is not the site for you. If you want to know about sticking your hand in a 2311 to slow it down and cut a few seconds off change time, this is the site for you.

In some areas I may talk about the specs for the hardware. Do not take these as true. They are my remembrances and they could be wrong. Hell, someone could have given me the incorrect information back then.

Thinking back, there are some questions in my mind about how things really worked. I think I did some drugs back then and I know I did some between then and now.

I can look down at my hand and see the scar. I will tell the story, at least how I remember it.

You can look at the stuff in three ways. One is a list of the hardware. Two is a list of categories. Three is as a story.