Time Estimate
There are two different time estimates. In the slicer it simulates printing the object based on what you have told the slicer. Acceleration and top speed are in the firmware for the printer and the slicer. If the printer’s firmware says maximum speed is 50mm/sec and the slicer has 100mm/sec, when the slicer calculates the time for the print it uses a speed of 100mm/sec. When the object prints it uses 50mm/sec as the max speed. So, if what you told the slicer is wrong the time estimate is wrong.
The second time estimate is on the printer as it is printing. That time is based on the lines of gcode you have printed and the lines of gcode left to do. The printer does not look ahead at all. It has no way of knowing that all the layers you have printed have lines 200mm long and the part that is left has 10mm lines. If you printed half the lines of gcode and it took 1 hour it assumes the other half will take 1 hour.
Finally, it is an estimate. It will not be exact.