
This is kind of a story of my life with computers. God knows why you might want to read this. It is a collection of a bunch of stories about my life. Pick areas that are of interest to you. By the way, why is any of this interesting to you?

The early days of my relationship with computers. I think I am neuro untypical. Back when I was young autism did not exist, it happened later. I have never been diagnosed, but every time I read something I go, gee I have that problem. I am happier/calmer dealing with computers rather than people. I’m not the rock in the corner and ignore everyone autistic, but I do have problems with people.

After highschool I went to college. An engineering school. If you read the college section you learned I became a part time computer operator.

After college the Army would not have me, so I needed a job. I knew how to scoop ice cream, from a job before college, and run a computer. It took me a couple months to get the operator job and I worked at Stern’s, a department store, for a couple of months. Then I got a job at Witco Chemical as an operator.